Driver Education & Road Safety


Driving is a systematic function learned from a combination of hands on experience, integrated with examples set by parents and peers. On this basis, a driver whose parents or peers maintained insufficient following distance, will typically display similar driving traits.

The intrinsic problem with learning from experience in this context is that drivers rarely consider they are doing anything wrong until they are provided with negative feedback in the form of a crash or near miss. And even then, they often disregard the incident as unfortunate or unlucky, rather than bad driving.

After all, they've driven that way for between 1-50 years. So despite it being their first, second or third crash over that duration of time, they regarded it as a chance event, and therefore perceive that it could never happen again.

One of the programs used by Pride, The Risk Audit and Coaching Session, assesses driver safety from a human, vehicle and developed behaviour perspective. In the first instance it seeks to establish the human and vehicle factors that influence exposure. This would include issues such as the weight, vehicle configuration, braking system, tyres and safety features. It then analyses risk based on driver age, sex, risk-taking and anger and aggression.

The second element of the program identifies the habits and behaviours adopted by drivers that may unnecessarily expose them to road trauma. Details of observed risk is recorded during the on-road element of the program.

At the conclusion of the evaluation phase of the on-road program, drivers are provided with an explanation of what and why they must modify various driving habits. A dynamic and interactive PowerPoint presentation, delivered in the car, graphically reinforces the need for change. This is then followed up by the coaching phase of the on-road session, which encourages drivers to develop and apply the changes identified during stage one.

At the completion of the audit, participating drivers are provided with a comprehensive written report reinforcing the need to modify given driving habits. This researched and referenced document will provide a valuable reminder for years to come.

Driver Risk Audit and Coaching Sessions can be used in many ways.

For example:

Inducting a new employee into the company. Used in this context the audit and coaching session sends a particularly clear message to a new employee. It reinforces the fact that you do have expectations relating to driver behaviour, and are serious about fleet safety.

Drivers involved in a crash. Research suggests that driver's who are involved in a crash, are far more likely to be involved in multiple collisions. This evaluation process will establish whether any behavioural or skill related issues were likely to have contributed to the collision. Where an issue is identified behavioural modification and coaching is provided.

Relocation of International Employees. Many companies relocate human expertise and corporate knowledge from one country to another. Yet it is only the most safety conscious of organisations who consider the degree of exposure these people face whilst driving on unfamiliar roads. Not surprisingly, there is an overwhelming body of evidence to suggest that international driver's experience significantly higher fatality and crash rates than Australian drivers. This program targets the issues known to bring foreign drivers to grief; it also familiarises new drivers to Australia with the unique road laws applicable to this country. An absolute must for any organisation committed to OH&S.

All employees. Whether you are introducing a fleet safety program for the first time, or simply keeping the issue of road safety on the boil, this training process represents outstanding value. It defines a system of driving, which if applied, has the potential to eliminate crashes.

Drive carefully - It's not only cars that can be recalled by their makers!

More Reading:

  • Building-Animal

  • Burn-Answer

  • Burst-Apparatus

  • Business-Approval

  • businesslike-Argument

  • Butter-Art

  • calculator-Attack

  • canal-Attempt

  • Canvas-Attention

  • Care-Attraction